List of human injury identification standards
Severe injury level one
brain, spinal cord (serious injury level one) |
1. Plant living status |
2. Quadriplegia (muscle strength of three or more limbs is below level 3) |
3. Hemiplegia, paraplegia (muscle strength below level 2), accompanied by fecal and urinary incontinence |
4. Movement disorders other than limb paralysis (severe) |
5. Severe mental retardation or organic mental disorder, unable to take care of oneself at all |
face, auricle (serious injury level one) |
Disfigurement (severe) |
hearing aid (serious injury level one) |
Hearing impairment in both ears (≥91dB HL) |
visual acuity (serious injury level one) |
1. One eyeball is shrunken or missing, and the other eye is blind to level 3 |
2. The visual field of one eye is completely missing, and the visual field radius of the other eye is less than 20° (the effective value of the visual field is less than 32%) |
3. Blindness level 4 |
neck (serious injury level one) |
1. Rupture of large blood vessels in the neck |
2. The throat is extensively damaged and breathing is completely dependent on the tracheal tube or stoma. |
3. The pharynx or esophagus is extensively damaged, and eating is completely dependent on a gastric tube or stoma. |
Chest (serious injury level one) |
1. Heart damage, remaining cardiac insufficiency (cardiac function level IV) |
2. Lung injury resulting in complete pneumonectomy on one side or three-lobectomy on both lungs |
abdomen (serious injury level one) |
1. Liver function damage (severe) |
2. Injury to the gastrointestinal tract causes severe impairment of digestion and absorption, requiring reliance on parenteral nutrition. |
3. Renal insufficiency (uremia stage) |
Pelvis and perineum (serious injury level one) |
1. The penis and testicles are all missing |
2. The uterus and ovaries are all missing |
spine limbs (serious injury level one) |
1. Two or more limbs are severed or missing (upper limbs above the wrist joint, lower limbs above the ankle joint) |
2. Complete loss of function of the six major joints of the two limbs |
hand (serious injury level one) |
Hands that are severed, missing, or completely disabled |
other (serious injury level one) |
Deep II° or higher burns cover 70% of the body surface area or III° burns cover 30% of the body surface area |
Serious injury level two
brain, spinal cord (serious injury level two) |
1. The total scalp defect area is more than 1875px2 |
2. Open skull fracture with dural rupture |
3. Depressed or comminuted skull fractures, symptoms and signs of brain compression, requiring surgical treatment |
4. Skull base fracture accompanied by cerebrospinal fluid leakage lasting for more than 4 weeks |
5. Skull base fracture, accompanied by damage to the facial nerve or auditory nerve, causing corresponding neurological dysfunction |
6. Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage, accompanied by neurological symptoms and signs |
7. Brain contusion (split) injury, accompanied by neurological symptoms and signs |
8. Intracranial hemorrhage with symptoms and signs of brain compression |
9. Traumatic cerebral infarction, accompanied by neurological symptoms and signs |
10. Traumatic brain abscess |
11. Traumatic cerebral aneurysm requires surgical treatment |
12. Traumatic delayed epilepsy |
13. Traumatic hydrocephalus requires surgical treatment |
14. Traumatic carotid-cavernous fistula |
15. Traumatic hypothalamic syndrome |
16. Traumatic diabetes insipidus |
17. Single limb paralysis (muscle strength below level 3) |
18. Spinal cord injury causing severe anal incontinence or severe urination disorder |
face, auricle (serious injury level two) |
1. Facial strip scars (more than 50% are located in the central area), the length of a single scar is more than 250px, or the total length of two or more scars is more than 375px |
2. Massive scars on the face (more than 50% located in the central area), with a single area of more than 150px2, or two or more scars with a cumulative area of more than 250px2 |
3. Small flaky scars or significant pigment abnormalities on the face, with the cumulative area reaching 30% of the face |
4. Atrophy or loss of eyeball on one side |
5. Eyelid loss is equivalent to more than 1/2 of the upper eyelid on one side |
6. Severe ectropion of one eyelid or moderate ectropion of both eyelids |
7. Ptosis on one side completely covers the pupil |
8. Fracture of one side of the orbit causing enophthalmos of more than 12.5px |
9. Rupture of nasolacrimal duct and medial canthal ligament on one side |
10. The nose is severed or damaged by more than 30% |
11. Auricle separation, defect or contracture deformity is equivalent to more than 50% of the area of one auricle. |
12. The lips are severed or defective, causing more than 3 teeth to be exposed |
13. The tongue body is severed or defective up to the tongue frenulum |
14. More than 7 teeth lost or broken |
15. Difficulty opening mouth due to injury III degree |
16. Facial nerve injury causes paralysis of most of the facial muscles on one side, leaving incomplete eyelid closure and skewed corners of the mouth. |
17. Disfigurement (mild) |
hearing aid (serious injury level two) |
1. Hearing impairment in one ear (≥91dB HL) |
2. Hearing impairment in one ear (≥81dB HL) and hearing impairment in the other ear (≥41dB HL) |
3. Hearing impairment in one ear (≥81dB HL), accompanied by ipsilateral vestibular balance dysfunction |
4. Hearing impairment in both ears (≥61dB HL) |
5. Loss of bilateral vestibular balance function, difficulty walking with eyes open, and inability to stand on both feet |
visual acuity (serious injury level two) |
1. Blindness level 3 |
2. Severe visual impairment in one eye and moderate visual impairment in the other eye |
3. The visual field radius at one glance is less than 10° (the effective value of the visual field is less than 16%) |
4. Hemianopia in both eyes; residual visual field radius in both eyes is less than 30° (effective visual field value is less than 48%) |
neck (serious injury level two) |
1. Hypoparathyroidism (severe) |
2. Hypothyroidism and drug dependence |
3. Perforation of the pharynx, retropharyngeal area, larynx or trachea |
4. Injury to the throat or neck trachea, leaving difficulty breathing (Level 3) |
5. Pharyngeal or esophageal injury, leaving swallowing dysfunction (can only take liquid food) |
6. Dysphonia left by laryngeal injury (severe) |
7. Internal carotid artery thrombosis and vascular lumen stenosis (more than 50%) |
8. Common carotid artery thrombosis and vascular lumen stenosis (more than 25%) |
9. Hypertrophic scars in the anterior triangle of the neck, with a cumulative area of more than 750px2 |
Chest damage (serious injury level two) |
1. Heart damage, remaining cardiac insufficiency (cardiac function class III) |
2. Heart rupture; pericardial rupture |
3. Female breasts are damaged on both sides and the breastfeeding function is completely lost; most of the female breasts are missing on one side |
4. Mediastinal hematoma or emphysema requires surgical treatment |
5. Tracheal or bronchial rupture requires surgical treatment |
6. Lung rupture requiring surgical treatment |
7. Hemothorax, pneumothorax or hemopneumothorax, accompanied by more than 70% collapse of one lung, or more than 50% collapse of both lungs |
8. Esophageal perforation or full-thickness rupture requires surgical treatment |
9. Empyema or lung abscess; chylothorax; bronchopleural fistula; esophagopleural fistula; esophagobronchial fistula |
10. Rupture of large blood vessels in the chest |
11. Diaphragm rupture |
abdomen (serious injury level two) |
1. Rupture of large abdominal blood vessels |
2. Full-thickness rupture of the stomach, intestines, gallbladder or bile duct requires surgical treatment |
3. Liver, spleen, pancreas or kidney rupture requiring surgical treatment |
4. Urinary extravasation due to ureteral injury requires surgical treatment |
5. Abdominal injury causing intestinal fistula or urinary fistula |
6. Abdominal injury causing diffuse peritonitis or septic shock |
7. Perinephric hematoma or subrenal subcapsular hematoma requires surgical treatment |
8. Renal insufficiency (decompensation period) |
9. Renal hypertension caused by kidney damage |
10. Traumatic hydronephrosis; traumatic renal aneurysm; traumatic renal arteriovenous fistula |
11. Hemoperitoneum or retroperitoneal hematoma requires surgical treatment |
Pelvis and perineum |
1. Pelvic fracture malunion, resulting in a relative length difference of more than 125px between the lower limbs |
2. Unstable pelvic fracture requiring surgical treatment |
3. Rectal rupture requiring surgical treatment |
4. Anal canal injury causing fecal incontinence or severe anal canal stenosis requires surgical treatment |
5. Bladder rupture requires surgical treatment |
6. Posterior urethral rupture requires surgical treatment |
7. Severe stricture caused by urethral injury |
8. Injury causing premature birth or stillbirth; injury causing early placental separation or miscarriage, combined with mild shock |
9. Uterine rupture requiring surgical treatment |
10. Ovarian or fallopian tube rupture, requiring surgical treatment |
11. Severe vaginal stenosis |
12. Second-degree vaginal tear in young girl |
13. Female perineal or vaginal third-degree lacerations |
14. The glans penis is missing up to the coronal sulcus |
15. The area of scrotal skin avulsion injury accounts for more than 50% of the scrotal skin area. |
16. Bilateral testicular damage and loss of fertility |
17. Bilateral epididymis or vas deferens damage, loss of fertility |
18. Rectovaginal fistula; vesicovaginal fistula; rectovesical fistula |
19. Severe urination disorder |
spine limbs |
1. Ankylosis and deformity of any large joint of the limbs or more than 50% loss of function |
2. Brachial plexus trunk or bundle injury, leaving muscle paralysis (muscle strength below grade 3) |
3. Median nerve injury above the elbow, leaving muscle paralysis (muscle strength below level 3) |
4. Radial nerve injury above the elbow, leaving muscle paralysis (muscle strength below level 3) |
5. Ulnar nerve injury above the elbow, leaving muscle paralysis (muscle strength below level 3) |
6. Injury to the sacral plexus or sciatic nerve, leaving muscle paralysis (muscle strength below level 3) |
7. Femoral shaft fracture with shortening of more than 125px, angular deformity of more than 30°, or severe rotational deformity |
8. Tibia and fibula fracture with shortening of more than 125px, angular deformity of more than 30°, or severe rotational deformity |
9. Knee joint contracture deformity and flexion of more than 30° |
10. Complete rupture of the cruciate ligament of one knee, leaving rotational instability |
11. Femoral neck fracture or hip dislocation, resulting in femoral head necrosis |
12. Long bone fractures of the limbs do not heal or pseudojoints form; long bone fractures of the limbs are complicated by chronic osteomyelitis |
13. One foot is severed or more than 50% is missing; the heel is severed or more than 50% is missing |
14. The first toe of one foot and any remaining second toes are separated or missing; except for the first toe of one foot, 4 toes are separated or missing |
15. More than 5 toes on both feet are severed or missing |
16. The first toe of one foot and its connected metatarsal bone are separated or missing |
17. Except for the first toe of one foot, any three toes and their connected metatarsals are separated or missing. |
hand |
1. The total loss of hand function reaches 36% of the first hand function |
2. The thumb contracture deformity of one hand cannot point fingers and hold objects. |
3. Except for the thumb, any other three fingers on one hand are contracted and deformed, making it impossible to point fingers and hold objects. |
4. The thumb of one hand is severed or missing beyond the interphalangeal joint. |
5. The index finger and middle finger of one hand are all severed or missing. |
6. The index finger and middle finger of one hand are all severed or missing. Any three fingers of one hand except the thumb are severed or missing beyond the proximal interphalangeal joint. |
body surface |
1. The cumulative area of contusions reaches 30% of the body surface area |
2. The cumulative length of wounds or scars exceeds 5000px |
other |
1. The area of burns and scalds of II° or above reaches 30% of the body surface area or the area of III° reaches 10%; the area is lower than the above degree but combined with inhalation of poisonous gas poisoning or severe respiratory burns and scalds. |
2. Bullet creation, the total length of the creation path is 4500px |
3. Various injuries cause cerebral edema (brain swelling) and brain herniation. |
4. Shock caused by various injuries (moderate) |
5. Crush syndrome (Grade II) |
6. Fat embolism syndrome caused by injury (complete type) |
7. Acute respiratory distress syndrome (severe) caused by various injuries |
8. Electric shock injury (II°) |
9. Drowning (moderate) |
10. Retention of foreign bodies in the brain; retention of foreign bodies in the heart |
11. Organic erectile dysfunction (severe) |
Minor injury level 1
brain, spinal cord (minor injury level one) |
1. The cumulative length of scalp wounds or scars exceeds 500px |
2. The cumulative area of scalp avulsion injuries is more than 1250px2; the cumulative area of scalp defects is more than 600px2 |
3. Depressed or comminuted skull fracture |
4. Skull base fracture with cerebrospinal fluid leakage |
5. Brain contusion (split) injury; intracranial hemorrhage; chronic intracranial hematoma; traumatic subdural effusion |
6. Traumatic hydrocephalus; traumatic intracranial aneurysm; traumatic cerebral infarction; traumatic intracranial hypotension syndrome |
7. Defecation or urination dysfunction caused by spinal cord injury (mild) |
8. Spinal cord contusion and laceration |
face, auricle (minor injury level one) |
1. The length of a single wound or scar on the face is more than 150px; the total length of multiple wounds or scars is more than 250px |
2. Massive facial scars, a single area is more than 100px2; the cumulative area of multiple scars is more than 175px2 |
3. Small flaky scars or obvious pigment abnormalities on the face, with a cumulative area of more than 750px2 |
4. Eyelid loss is equivalent to more than 1/4 of the upper eyelid on one side |
5. Moderate ectropion of one eyelid; mild ectropion of both eyelids |
6. The upper eyelid droops on one side and covers more than 1/2 of the pupil. |
7. Two or more different orbital wall fractures; one orbital wall fracture causing enophthalmos of more than 5px |
8. Bilateral lacrimal apparatus injury accompanied by epiphora |
9. Rupture of nasolacrimal duct on one side; rupture of medial canthal ligament on one side |
10. Auricle separation, defect or contracture deformity is equivalent to more than 30% of the area of one auricle. |
11. The nose is severed or more than 15% is missing |
12. The lips are severed or defective, causing more than one tooth to be exposed |
13. More than 4 teeth are lost or broken |
14. Difficulty opening mouth caused by injury II degree |
15. The common parotid duct is completely broken |
16. Facial nerve injury causes partial paralysis of one facial muscle, leaving incomplete eyelid closure or skewed mouth corners. |
hearing aid (minor injury level one) |
1. Hearing impairment in both ears (≥41dB HL) |
2. Bilateral external auditory canal atresia |
visual acuity (minor injury level one) |
1. Traumatic glaucoma, intraocular pressure difficult to control after treatment |
2. Complete loss of iris in one eye |
3. Severe visual impairment in one eye; moderate visual impairment in both eyes |
4. The visual field radius of one eye is less than 30° (the effective visual field value is less than 48%); the visual field radius of both eyes is less than 50° (the effective visual field value is less than 80%) |
neck (minor injury level one) |
1. The length of a single wound or scar on the front of the neck is more than 250px; the total length of multiple wounds or scars is more than 400px |
2. Scars in the anterior triangle of the neck, with a single area of more than 250px2; multiple areas with a cumulative area of more than 300px2 |
3. Pharyngeal injury or dysarthria left behind |
4. Injury to the pharynx or esophagus, leaving swallowing dysfunction (only semi-liquid food can be taken) |
5. Common carotid artery thrombosis; internal carotid artery thrombosis; external carotid artery thrombosis; vertebral artery thrombosis |
Chest damage (minor injury level one) |
1. Hemopericardium caused by cardiac contusion |
2. Female breasts are damaged on one side and the breastfeeding function is lost. |
3. More than 6 rib fractures |
4. Mediastinal hematoma; mediastinal pneumophysema |
5. Hemothorax, pneumothorax or hemopneumothorax, accompanied by more than 30% collapse of one lung, or more than 20% collapse of both lungs |
6. Esophageal contusion and laceration |
abdomen (minor injury level one) |
1. Non-full-thickness rupture of the stomach, intestine, gallbladder or bile duct |
2. Liver capsule rupture; hematoma diameter in the liver parenchyma is more than 50px |
3. Rupture of the splenic capsule; hematoma in the spleen parenchyma has a diameter of more than 50px |
4. Pancreatic capsule rupture |
5. Renal insufficiency (compensation period) |
Pelvis and perineum (minor injury level one) |
1. Fracture of more than 2 places in the pelvis; malunion of pelvic fracture; acetabulum fracture |
2. Anterior urethra rupture requires surgical treatment |
3. Ureteral stricture |
4. One ovary is missing or atrophic |
5. Mild vaginal stenosis |
6. More than 1/2 of the glans is missing |
7. The area of scrotal skin avulsion injury accounts for more than 30% of the scrotal skin area. |
8. One testicle or epididymis is missing; one testicle or epididymis is atrophic |
spine limbs (minor injury level one) |
1. Loss of more than 25% of the function of any major joint of the limbs |
2. Compression fracture of more than 1/3 of one vertebral body; fracture of more than two vertebral bodies; fracture of more than three transverse processes, spinous processes or vertebral arches |
3. Knee ligament rupture accompanied by meniscus rupture |
4. Malunion of long bone fractures of limbs |
5. Comminuted fracture of long bones of limbs or two or more fractures |
6. Long bone fractures of limbs involving articular surfaces |
7. Femoral neck fracture has no femoral head necrosis and prosthesis replacement has been performed |
8. Epiphyseal plate rupture |
9. One foot is severed or missing more than 10%; the heel is severed or missing more than 20% |
10. The first toe of one foot is separated or missing; any second toe except the first toe of one foot is separated or missing |
11. More than three toes are severed or missing |
12. Any toe except the first toe and its connected metatarsal bone are separated or missing |
13. The total length of limb skin wounds or scars exceeds 1125px |
hand (minor injury level one) |
1. The cumulative loss of hand function reaches 16% of the first hand function |
2. The thumb of one hand is severed or missing no more than the interphalangeal joint. |
3. The index finger and middle finger of one hand, except the thumb, are separated or missing beyond the distal interphalangeal joint. |
4. The ring finger and little finger of one hand, except the thumb, are separated or missing beyond the proximal interphalangeal joint. |
body surface (minor injury level one) |
1. The cumulative area of contusions reaches 10% of the body surface area |
2. The cumulative length of wounds or scars exceeds 1000px |
3. The avulsion injury area is more than 2500px2 |
4. Skin defect more than 750px2 |
other (minor injury level one) |
1. The area of burns and scalds above II° reaches 20% of the body surface area or the area of III° burns reaches 5% of the body surface area. |
2. Fat embolism syndrome caused by injury (incomplete type) |
3. Organic penile erectile dysfunction (moderate) |
Minor injury level two
brain, spinal cord (minor injury level 2) |
1. The cumulative length of scalp wounds or scars exceeds 200px |
2. The cumulative area of scalp avulsion injuries is more than 500px2; the cumulative area of scalp defects is more than 250px2 |
3. The area of subgaleal hematoma is more than 1250px2 |
4. Skull fracture |
5. Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage |
6. Cranial nerve damage causes corresponding neurological dysfunction |
face, auricle (minor injury level 2) |
1. The length of a single wound or scar on the face is more than 112.5px; the total length of multiple wounds or scars is more than 150px |
2. Penetrating wounds on the cheek, skin wounds or scars with a length of more than 25px |
3. Full-thickness lip cracks, skin wounds or scars with a length of more than 25px |
4. Massive scars on the face, with a single area of more than 75px2 or multiple areas with a cumulative area of more than 125px2 |
5. Small flaky scars or pigment abnormalities on the face, with a cumulative area of more than 200px2 |
6. Orbital wall fracture (except simple inner orbital wall fracture) |
7. Eyelid defects |
8. Mild ectropion of one eyelid |
9. The upper eyelid droops on one side and covers the pupil. |
10. Incomplete closure of one eyelid |
11. Lacrimal apparatus injury on one side accompanied by epiphora |
12. The total length of auricle wounds or scars exceeds 150px |
13. Auricle separation, defect or contracture deformity is equivalent to more than 15% of the area of one auricle. |
14. The tip of the nose or one side of the nose is defective |
15. Comminuted nasal bone fracture; Bilateral nasal bone fracture; Nasal bone fracture combined with maxillary frontal process fracture; Nasal bone fracture combined with nasal septum fracture; Bilateral maxillary frontal process fracture |
16. Tongue defect |
17. Loss of teeth or more than 2 teeth broken |
18. Substantial damage to the parotid gland, submandibular gland or sublingual gland |
19. Difficulty opening mouth due to injury, degree Ⅰ |
20. Jaw fractures (except alveolar process fractures and maxillary frontal process fractures on one side) |
21. Zygomatic fracture |
hearing aid (minor injury level 2) |
1. Traumatic tympanic membrane perforation cannot heal on its own within 6 weeks. |
2. Ossicular fracture or dislocation; ossicular chain fixation |
3. Hearing impairment in one ear (≥41dB HL) |
4. Vestibular balance dysfunction on one side, accompanied by hearing loss on the ipsilateral side |
5. The cross-section of the external auditory canal of one ear is narrow by more than 1/2 |
visual acuity (minor injury level 2) |
1. Penetrating injury or rupture of the eyeball; hyphema requiring surgical treatment; receding angle of the chamber; iris root separation or iris defect exceeding one quadrant; ciliary body detachment; lens dislocation; vitreous hemorrhage; traumatic retinal detachment; Traumatic retinal hemorrhage; traumatic macular hole; traumatic choroidal detachment |
2. Corneal pannus or pannus; traumatic cataract; traumatic hypotony; traumatic glaucoma |
3. Injury to the pupillary sphincter causes significant deformation of the pupil or dilation of the pupil (more than 15px in diameter) |
4. Strabismus; diplopia |
5. blepharopharosis |
6. The corrected visual acuity of one eye drops below 0.5 (or the visual acuity drops by more than 0.3 compared with the pre-injury visual acuity); the corrected visual acuity of both eyes drops below 0.7 (or the visual acuity drops by more than 0.2 compared with the pre-injury visual acuity); the original visual impairment of one eye is moderate or above, the visual acuity is reduced after the injury one level |
7. The visual field radius at one glance is less than 50° (the effective value of the visual field is less than 80%) |
neck (minor injury level 2) |
1. The length of a single wound or scar on the front of the neck is more than 125px; the total length of multiple wounds or scars is more than 200px |
2. Scars on the front of the neck, the area of a single scar is more than 100px2, or the cumulative area of two or more scars is more than 150px2 |
3. Thyroid contusion and laceration |
4. Throat cartilage fracture |
5. Laryngeal or tracheal injury |
6. Hyoid bone fracture |
7. Phrenic nerve injury |
8. Signs of suffocation due to neck injury |
Chest damage (minor injury level 2) |
1. Part of the female breast is missing or the breast duct is damaged |
2. More than 2 rib fractures |
3. Sternal fracture; clavicle fracture; scapula fracture |
4. Sternoclavicular joint dislocation; acromioclavicular joint dislocation |
5. Chest injury, resulting in subcutaneous emphysema that cannot be absorbed by itself for 1 week |
6. Hemorrhage in the chest; gas in the chest |
7. Chest wall penetrating trauma |
8. Symptoms of suffocation due to chest squeezing |
abdomen (minor injury level 2) |
1. Contusion of stomach, intestine, gallbladder or bile duct |
2. Subcapsular or intraparenchymal hemorrhage of liver |
3. Subcapsular or intraparenchymal bleeding of the spleen |
4. Pancreatic contusion |
5. Renal subcapsular or intraparenchymal bleeding |
6. Liver function damage (mild) |
7. Acute renal dysfunction (recoverable) |
8. Hemoperitoneum or retroperitoneal hematoma |
9. Abdominal wall penetrating trauma |
Pelvis and perineum (minor injury level 2) |
1. Pelvic fracture |
2. Contusion and laceration of rectum or anal canal |
3. Contusion and laceration of one side of ureter; contusion and laceration of bladder; contusion and laceration of urethra |
4. Uterine contusion and laceration; one ovary or fallopian tube contusion and laceration |
5. Vaginal laceration |
6. Female vulva skin wounds or scars with a total length of more than 100px |
7. Partial defect of glans penis |
8. Penile avulsion injury; Penile skin wound or scar length is more than 50px; Penile corpus cavernosum bleeds and forms induration |
9. Penetrating wounds on the scrotal wall; cumulative length of wounds or scars on the scrotal skin exceeds 100px; blood accumulation in the scrotum that is not completely absorbed within 2 weeks |
10. One testicular rupture, hematoma, dislocation or torsion |
11. Ruptured vas deferens on one side |
12. Mild anal incontinence or mild anal stenosis |
13. Mild urination disorder |
14. Traumatic unavoidable miscarriage; traumatic placental abruption |
spine limbs (minor injury level 2) |
1. Loss of more than 10% of the function of any major joint of the limbs |
2. Damage to important nerves in limbs |
3. Rupture of important blood vessels in the limbs |
4. Vertebral fracture or spinal dislocation (except for tail vertebra dislocation that does not affect function); traumatic intervertebral disc herniation |
5. Rupture of ligaments in large limb joints; rupture of meniscus |
6. Fracture of long bones of limbs; fracture of patella |
7. Epiphyseal separation |
8. Injury causing dislocation of large joints of limbs |
9. The first toe is missing beyond the interphalangeal joint; except for the first toe, any second toe is missing beyond the interphalangeal joint; one toe is missing |
10. Fracture of two toes; fracture of one toe combined with fracture of one metatarsal |
11. Fracture of both metatarsals or complete fracture of one metatarsal; fracture of talus, calcaneus, cuboid, cuneiform or navicular; dislocation of tarsometatarsal joint |
12. The length of one wound or scar on the limb skin is more than 250px; the total length of two or more wounds or scars is more than 375px |
hand (minor injury level 2) |
1. The cumulative loss of hand function reaches 4% of the first hand function |
2. One knuckle except the thumb is broken or missing |
3. Linear fracture of two phalanges or comminuted fracture of one phalanx (excluding the distal digits 2 to 5) |
4. Scaphoid fracture, lunate dislocation or complete metacarpal fracture |
body surface (minor injury level 2) |
1. Contusion area reaches 6% of body surface area |
2. The length of a single wound or scar is more than 250px; the total length of multiple wounds or scars is more than 375px |
3. The avulsion injury area is more than 1250px2 |
4. Skin defect more than 150px2 |
other (minor injury level 2) |
1. The area of burns and scalds above II° reaches 5% of the body surface area or the area of III° burns reaches 0.5% of the body surface area. |
2. Respiratory burns |
3. Crush syndrome (Grade I) |
4. Electric shock injury (Ⅰ°) |
5. Drowning (mild) |
6. Shock caused by various injuries (mild) |
7. Respiratory dysfunction and signs of suffocation |
8. Retention of foreign bodies on the face; retention of foreign bodies in the orbit; retention of foreign bodies in the sinuses |
9. Retention of foreign bodies in the chest; retention of foreign bodies in the abdominal cavity; retention of foreign bodies in the pelvis |
10. Retention of foreign bodies in deep tissues |
11. The fracture internal fixation is damaged and requires surgical replacement or repair. |
12. Various implantable prosthetic devices are damaged and require surgical replacement or repair. |
13. Organic erectile dysfunction (mild) |
minor injury
brain, spinal cord (minor injury) |
1. Neurological symptoms after head trauma |
2. Scalp abrasion area is more than 125px2; scalp contusion; hematoma under the scalp |
3. Scalp wounds or scars |
face, auricle (minor injury) |
1. Facial soft tissue trauma |
2. Facial injuries leaving scars or pigment changes |
3. Facial skin abrasions with an area of more than 50px2; facial soft tissue contusions; facial scratches with an area of more than 100px |
4. Fracture of inner orbital wall |
5. Eye contusion; appearance affected by eye trauma |
6. Auricular trauma |
7. Nasal bone fracture; nose bleeding |
8. Fracture of the frontal process of the maxilla |
9. Oral mucosa damage; tongue damage |
10. Loss or defect of teeth; fracture of alveolar process; more than 2 loose teeth or more than 1 loose tooth of III degree |
hearing aid (minor injury) |
1. Traumatic tympanic membrane perforation |
2. Hemotympanum |
3. Hearing loss after trauma |
visual acuity (minor injury) |
Eye damage affects vision |
neck (minor injury) |
1. Neck wounds or scars with a length of more than 25px |
2. The neck abrasion area is more than 100px2 |
3. Neck contusion area is more than 50px2 |
4. The length of the neck scratch is more than 125px |
Chest damage (minor injury) |
1. Rib fracture; costal cartilage fracture |
2. Contusion of female breasts |
abdomen (minor injury) |
Traumatic hematuria |
Pelvis and perineum (minor injury) |
1. Perineal soft tissue contusion |
2. Perineal wound; scrotal wound; penile wound |
3. Scrotal skin contusion |
4. Contusion of testicle or penis |
5. Traumatic threatened abortion |
spine limbs (minor injury) |
1. The length of one wound or scar on the limb is more than 25px; the total length of two or more wounds or scars is more than 37.5px; the puncture wound is deep into the muscle layer |
2. Injury to limb joints, tendons or ligaments |
3. Bone contusion |
4. Foot fracture |
5. Trauma causes toenails to fall off and the nail bed to be exposed; |
6. Dislocation of tail vertebra |
hand (minor injury) |
1. The hand abrasion area is more than 250px2 or the contusion area is more than 150px2 |
2. The length of one wound or scar on the hand is more than 25px; the total length of two or more wounds or scars is more than 37.5px; the stab wound reaches deep into the muscle layer |
3. Hand joint or tendon injury |
4. Fracture of wrist, metacarpal or phalanx |
5. Trauma causes nail loss and nail bed exposure; nail bed bleeding |
body surface (minor injury) |
1. The abrasion area is more than 500px2 or the contusion area is more than 375px2 |
2. The length of one wound or scar is more than 25px; the total length of two or more wounds or scars is more than 37.5px; the puncture wound is deep into the muscle layer |
3. Skin damage caused by bites |
other (minor injury) |
1. Cut (stab) marks on the bone cortex of various parts of the body; slight avulsion fractures, no functional impairment |
2. Facial I° burn and scald area is more than 250px2; shallow II° burn and scald |
3. The area of Ⅰ° burn and scald on the neck is more than 375px2; the area of shallow II° burn and scald is more than 50px2 |
4. The area of I° burn and scald on the body surface is more than 500px2; the area of shallow II° burn and scald is more than 100px2; the area of deep II° burn and scald is more than 100px2 |